NOTICE: Attorney Chris Duren has taken a full-time position with another law firm and is no longer actively operating his law practice.  On a very limited part-time basis, Attorney Duren may be available for legal consultations or document drafting and can only be reached by email at  

I just want to say “Thank You” to the Waunakee community for all the support throughout the 26 years of my solo practice.   In 1997 fresh out of law school with no income and a huge student loan debt,  I returned to my hometown of Waunakee and started my law practice in a single room office above the old Brian’s Diner on Main Street.  Thanks to the Waunakee community, all my clients, my friends and most importantly the support of my family, I was able to build a successful law practice and I will always be thankful. 

-Attorney Chris Duren